There once was a school very much like your own. With the usual groups like the geeks, sports players and singers. But this school was different....yes, the school had groups but their groups consisted of invisibility, flying, the power of earth and healing. As you would have noticed that this particular school was no ordinary school in fact this school was for children who had special powers and this schools name was Beaumont Primary School. The undercover learning area for magic.
It was a dull, cold day when the disaster struck them....and no one suspected anything at all that was out of the ordinary except for Beaumont Primary School’s headmaster, he knew something was wrong but he just didn’t know what. The undercover learning area for evil magic had struck them, and the only thing that the Beaumont pupils could was to fight back and get revenge on De Hoop Primary School as soon as possible before it’s too late.
The De Hoop pupils had the ability of strength, speed and flexibility of the dolphin that rested on their chests representing evil magic. Beaumont had the power, courage and strength of the lion which represented the good, helpful magic from their hearts.
On November the 5th the two schools met up in the dim moonlight of the night, wishing and waiting for the time of revenge.
In the past years Beaumont had won and lost many times before with De Hoop in the lead. De Hoop had secretly stolen good pupils from Beaumont and had turned them into something else. That is what Beaumont thought they were doing, but De Hoop knew more of this untrue story.
The fight had started slowly but eagerly, it was the fiercest fight between water and land, dolphin and lion, good and bad.
It carried on for many days until the headmaster of Beaumont thought....this is it, enough fighting, enough of this!
He went into the war as an undercover spy and found out that De Hoop thought that Beaumont were doing the same to them as they thought of De Hoop! He then realised that it was all a misunderstanding and that De Hoop was never that dark and evil after all.
And from that day and on De Hoop and Beaumont Primary School have been arch enemies at sight but best friends at heart.
By Kate Munro
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